It is with great excitement that we are delighted to announce that Le Talbooth will be open from 12 noon on Saturday 4th July; as we write this the restaurant is a hive of activity with hedges being cut, lawns striped (not sure if that is the correct term!) but most of important of all the Chef’s are back in the kitchen in preparation for the weekend. After months of inactivity it feels so good to be getting back into the swing of things again.
Work has been going on as we adhere to the strict Government guidelines and you can see our Safety Measures here.
There are a couple of small changes:
- The restaurant will close on Mondays for the first couple of months
- Tuesday to Saturday lunch will be from 12 noon to 2.30 pm
- Tuesday to Saturday dinner will be from 6.30 to the slightly earlier time of 9.00 pm
- Summer Sundays will be from 12 noon to last orders at 3.30 pm with Roast Ribs of Beef on the menu as usual!
Bookings are now being taken for the restaurant by either calling 01206 323150 during normal office hours until we re-open or alternatively book online on our website